with Tamara Hill
Donate to LiftOff Your Finances™ Today
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
Proverbs 11:25 NIV
At LiftOff Your Finances™, our mission is to provide hope and Biblically-based financial education through live events, radio and television. If you are enjoying LiftOff Your Finances™ and would like to help share this message with others, please consider making a financial donation today. Donations help fund air time and event logistics.
Ways to Donate:
Donations of $1 or more - up to $1,000 - can be paid via Venmo; search for Tamara-Hill-91. You may also mail a check or money order for any amount to the address below. If you use Venmo, please include your contact details so we can send you a personalized thank you!
For donations greater than $1,000, please contact Tamara Hill directly.
Questions? Email Tamara@myliftoff.net or call 720-792-LIFE (5433).
NOTE: Tri-Life Media, LLC does not currently carry a nonprofit or not-for-profit status; therefore, we are unable to offer tax deductible receipts at this time. However, for transparency, we will share a quarterly report of all donations collected and how they were allocated on this site.