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A Prayer for Change

Updated: Feb 5, 2022

Vail, Colorado

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Colorado is a gorgeous state, filled with all the beauties of nature – mountains, wildlife, natural springs and more. But it can also be filled with several months of cold, snowy weather that makes it uncomfortable to go outside for long periods (especially if you’re cold-natured like me). So as we enter mid-May and see the green returning to fields and trees starting to bloom again, it’s a wonderful feeling. Especially for a warm-weather lover like myself. When the summer finally arrives in Colorado, I enjoy it so much that I literally forget that the cold weather will return in just a few short months.

I think the changes in nature are a great parallel to the different phases that we experience in life. If you are experiencing a difficult time right now due to a layoff, coronavirus or other challenging circumstances, it’s easy to look back on "the better days," as if they might not return again. But I love this scripture from Ecclesiastes because it reminds us that every season brings the potential for change. And I can honestly say from experience, just like most of you, that many things that challenged me in the past, eventually changed for the better.

My prayer for each of us today (myself included) is that we will remember that difficulties don’t have to become permanent. This includes the current coronavirus pandemic; we can continue praying and asking God to aid our health care workers in finding a vaccine and to completely eradicate the virus from our world. We can also pray and ask the Lord to restore everything to be even better than it was before this virus appeared. Please remember that if we stay in faith, pray and put our trust in the Lord, there's always potential for positive change.

“Father in heaven, I thank you for allowing me to experience this beautiful sunny day and to be reminded that just like the weather, the situations in our lives can change. I pray that you will help each of us to seek you and your comfort, because you know exactly when these situations will be resolved and when they will become a past memory rather than a current difficulty. Just like the seasons change and have a purpose, we believe that you can change the difficult situations in our lives and ultimately make them work for our betterment. As we go through this new week, please inspire us to stop for a moment and enjoy the beauty of each day, knowing it’s a reminder that better days are ahead. We thank you and praise you in advance for this blessing. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

I pray that you have a wonderful week and can enjoy some beautiful weather wherever you are in the world.

Always thinking of you,


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